The Sub15 is an extremely powerful subwoofer capable of extending the frequency range of main and midfield monitors down to 20Hz. The sturdy 15″ woofer is made of an exceptionally rigid aluminum membrane and is driven by two powerful magnets and a 100mm voice coil. With 1000 Watts (RMS) power capability, the PWM amplifier has an efficiency factor of nearly 90%. With these performance features, the Sub15 is easily capable of handling critical musical passages with intense and sudden bass peaks without showing signs of distortion or overheating. The downward firing bass port has been specially designed with ample dimensions and rounded edges to cancel any port noise.
The Sub15 is an extremely powerful subwoofer capable of extending the frequency range of main and midfield monitors down to 20Hz. The sturdy 15″ woofer is made of an exceptionally rigid aluminum membrane and is driven by two powerful magnets and a 100mm voice coil. With 1000 Watts (RMS) power capability, the PWM amplifier has an efficiency factor of nearly 90%. With these performance features, the Sub15 is easily capable of handling critical musical passages with intense and sudden bass peaks without showing signs of distortion or overheating. The downward firing bass port has been specially designed with ample dimensions and rounded edges to cancel any port noise.

The Sub15 is also very flexible when it comes to connectivity: There are balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (RCA) input/output connectors to be found on the rear of the subwoofer.
The Sub15 combines excellent transient response capability with an impressive low frequency performance to enable a genuinely musical reproduction experience. With a high and undistorted sound pressure output of 120dB maximum SPL at one meter, the Sub15 makes the perfect subwoofer for mid-sized and larger control rooms.

All ADAM Audio products come with a 2-year warranty with optional extension to 5 years with the registration of your product on ADAM Audio’s website in the MyADAM user section.
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